Nevertheless, she tried to fight her son’s overweight with different methods. When he was 16 years old and weighed 146 kilos, Leisa decided to take out a loan to send him to a six-week weight loss camp. He did manage to lose a few dozen kilos, but soon the obesity returned due to the teenager’s previous lifestyle.
Jason had been consuming 10,000 kilocalories a day for years. He would eat several packets of crisps for breakfast and then eat curries and kebabs while drinking at least five litres of juice or soda. Over time, he weighed more than 300 kilos and lost the ability to move around on his own: in 2020, he needed an operation and had to be pulled out of his bedroom window by a fire engine crane to be taken to hospital.
In January 2022, when doctors suspected that Jason might have a thrombosis, he was sent to the zoo to be x-rayed using machines normally used to diagnose large animals.